Our New Studio Website Launches

Our New Studio Website Launches
Our first blog post can only be about our new film and TV studio website. It’s been in the works, courtesy of http://webdesignn4.com for a couple of months and we’re very happy with it. The old one did a sterling job, but it was getting a bit dated, having past its eighth birthday with no more than a few tweaks along the way. More than that, it was a Flash site, which Google search hates. Our Google ranking belied our Facebook rating of 4.8/5, so it was time for a fresh approach.
SEO for Studio Website
We’ve now entered a brave new world of SEO, lots of images and video and a format that hopefully provides future and existing film and television clients with a clear and concise way of finding out about the studio and what it’s got to offer. And as Google loves blog posts, there’ll be more to come, a few about the film and television studio but most containing news about the wider world of film, television, video, broadcast, commercials, cameras and post-production.
We’re very satisfied with our Arri Alexa, but we’re always watching out for new developments in camera technology, so news of the new Walley POS-86 camera (no relation to the Wally Dolly) caught our eye. The most advanced camera ever built? I’m not convinced.
We hope you like the new website. We’d love to hear what you think, or if have any suggestions to make it even better.